Wednesday, January 21, 2009

deconstructing their reality

i surely do admire those of you who can spend time researching and then putting your words together so eloquently!! i have discovered that if i don't type up my thoughts right then and there and then get them posted (no draft folder for me) then they become yesterdays thoughts, a thing of the past, long forgotten and moved past.

on that note, i am on the brink of yet another paradigm shift in my own existence and as 'wise woman' has expressed, the sharing helps one begin to assimilate and process the information oneself.

(almost) straight from my diary, an embryo of a new way of thinking/being:

so much to get written down -
so little mind to do it with.
too much mind fuque. 2 things happening. or maybe 3.
[ dealing BIG TIME with some nefarious doings within my brain, not of my own doing at all!!! but we do not mention them in public because of the irrational fears that are brought up when this kind of thinking gets deep. some things cannot be shared in the public arena. back to my diary...]
the realization that. what dammit!?!? - what realization!?!?!? this mind mess maze is BS. it is NOT my reality - it is theirs [interjection: i realize that i am responsible for creating my own life, that's not what this is about, denying responsibility and feeling like a victim are not what i am doing.] it is NOT MY REALITY - it is theirs. i am NOT one of them.

this reality is their construct - not mine. i have thought i was part of this but i can begin to disconnect from this reality, slowly, carefully -

i realize that i must be very careful of what i spend my time doing/reading/absorbing, of what i accept into my thoughts.
i feel insane and out of control because i am deconstructing what they created in my mind. it is not my creation, it is theirs and i am not one of them. i choose to create my own destiny.

i had thought i just had to unravel and reweave this tapestry i call my reality, my life, but i would only be reweaving it from the old 'string' - that's not my creation.

do i believe i create my own reality? what are the rules?
only one that i can see: first, do no harm.
so, what do i weave the tapestry of my New Reality with?
higher oscillating strings of light/sound... higher frequencies threads.

debt and lack (insert perceived problem here) is no longer my reality. that was a construct of their reality and i am NOT one of them.

i disconnect and deconstruct that which no longer serves me and that which was never truly mine to begin with.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

pretending we create our reality...

i have decided to play make-believe. play along if you so desire...

i am a superhero.

a supercreatress!! everything i say, do, think, dream, comes to pass in our world.
this creates a situation where i have to become aware of my environment, what am i absorbing from it??

is what i am reading uplifting me?? is my focus on what i would like to see?
am i doing things that will bring me joy?

lately i feel that i have been absorbing way too much of what is wrong in our world.... i don't need to keep reading about what to be afraid of!! i must, as the ultimate creatress superwoman of planet earth, i must be vigilant in what i create!! it's entirely up to me, the fate of all humanity and the entire planet!!

this is a great responsibility, one that should take its place as the pinnacle of my existence.

what does this mean? what should i do? what actions should i take??

remaining at my Point of Original Creation is all i CAN do... it is all.

and, i can remember that LOVE is the force that holds all Creation together...


Monday, January 5, 2009

Fear not, wise one! You are not in danger.
There is a way to cross the ocean of life and death,
through which the saints have gained the other shore.
This way I will reveal to you.

The stupid man looks at his body and says, 'This is I'.
The more learned thinks, 'This is I' of his personality.
But the wise one knows the true Self, saying, 'I AM the Eternal'.
He is individual, though without separateness.
She who possesses Soul vision,
has dissolved the 'I' into Pure Conscious Beingness.

To those who are wandering in this desert world,
weary, oppressed and worn by sorrow,
may this teaching reveal the Eternal Oneness,
bringing joy, like an ocean of nectar near at hand.

(i am not sure where that came from or i would give credit where credit is due)

also, here is another article written by someone whom i admire, i hope you enjoy it and take from it what rings true to your own Spirit:

From Biology To Triology
Written by Sol Luckman

The evolution from human to divine consciousness involves healing duality and its legacy of karma and disease at the cellular and atomic levels. There is no illness that cannot be healed simply through intention. Many of the thousands of documented so-called miracle healings powerfully demonstrate the impact of consciousness on physical as well as emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Mind-body medicine, which is statistically valid enough to be taught in today's medical schools, offers additional proof of our ability to heal ourselves. Molecular biologist Bruce Lipton's research further indicates that people can modify their DNA and overcome life-threatening illnesses simply by changing their consciousness.

Deepak Chopra has remarked that "the similarity between a thought and a photon is very deep." A photon is a particle or quantum of light or other electromagnetic radiation. Dr. Chopra is implying a connection between thought and light. In many shamanic traditions, thought (intention) is considered a form or function of higher-dimensional light. Mind is "the illuminating energy which 'Lights the way' of an idea or form to be transmitted and received," once wrote Alice Bailey. "Upon a beam of light can the energy of the mind materialize." Following this line of reasoning, we can imagine ourselves not only as "frozen light" (to quote Dr. Richard Gerber) but also as "frozen thought."

This way of looking at the human body as a congealed thought, which may at first strike the reader as strange, is in the final analysis deeply empowering. Quantum physicists have repeatedly demonstrated that a scientist always affects the outcome of an experiment simply by observing it, a realization now universally accepted in the scientific community as the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. Even more amazing is the paradigm-altering discovery that gives rise to the particle-wave duality: the probability that the physicist actually creates the quantum particles that he or she observes, since in unobserved states these particles appear to exist only as waves.

A fundamental and revolutionary truth emerges from this information: consciousness creates. As human beings imbued with free will, we can use the power of our consciousness to re-create our reality: including but not limited to a body, mind and spirit free of disease.

I stress "re-create" because, clearly, we already inhabit one creation. The world as we know it is based on the principle of duality. Another way of stating this is that a dualized or divided consciousness, one that already saw itself as separate from other consciousnesses, including unity or God consciousness, gave birth to the universe as humans often experience it: a battleground between good and evil, light and dark, right and wrong, "us" and "them."

But duality is not merely a philosophy; it is a physical state of being as well. The very atoms that make up our cells are based on positive and negative charges whose opposition sustains a certain life-form. Lipton has coined the phrase the "biology of consciousness" to summarize the transformational idea that living organisms, including humans, rather than being empirical givens, are actually malleable thought-forms. In other words, adopting a quantum physics perspective, we are basically waves that only cohere as particles through an act of consciousness. By changing our consciousness, we change our physical form and functioning.

Healing means to make whole. Healing leads to unification and implies atonement, which in this context really should be read as "at-one-ment." In a world where thought creates and biology is a product of consciousness, not the other way around, the mind has the power to forge a new biology, one no longer based on duality but on the principles of unity and harmony. In Return of the Bird Tribes, where a central theme is the reunion of the human body with the soul in the pivotal years we are currently experiencing, Ken Carey neatly summarizes how we must proceed, individually as well as collectively: "In the order of healing, it is human consciousness that first must change." Our challenge, which is also a tremendous opportunity, is to open up to a literally life-changing way of thinking ourselves into existence.

Enlightenment is about raising consciousness and letting the light of the soul in to the point that we become it. True enlightenment follows a path of conscious personal mastery that results in transformation and, by definition, involves the creation of a stable lightbody. The lightbody or soul body is a "trinitized" (balanced and harmonious) physical vehicle that has resolved duality, karma and disease at the cellular and atomic levels.

We can conceptualize the current evolutionary Shift occurring in our species' DNA as a change in "operating systems" from a binary to a "trinary" code based on the ener-genetics of the three-fold tetrahedron shape. We might even go so far as to say that humans are evolving out of biology into "triology." In this light it is most interesting that some in the alternative science community have alluded to suppressed research on a third DNA strand reportedly activating in many humans.

An illuminating way of visualizing how metamorphosis into a light-based physiology actually occurs is to look at a quantum particle known as positronium. Positronium is composed of an electron, which has a negative charge, and a positron, which has a positive charge. Positronium is a perfect example of duality. It also provides a wonderful illustration of how the lightbody is created. Since electrons and positrons are antiparticle opposites, after combining to form positronium, they immediately cancel out each other and decay into two particles or quanta of light (photons). A third stable and unified element, that is neither positive nor negative, is thus created from a preexisting dualism.

Barbara Hand Clow has written that this process of combination and decay in the positronium atom, mirrored in lightbody activation, "resolves inherent duality into light … [As] the electron is the basic unit of activation—life—it triggers the transmutation of the positron—karma." Contrary to popular misconception, karma has nothing to do with punishment and reward. It exists as part of our holographic universe's binary or dualistic operating system only to teach us responsibility for our creations—and all things we experience are our creations. When these creations are out of tune with Source, they often manifest in the disharmony known as disease. This can occur not only in individuals but in entire civilizations. In both cases, disease, which is typically considered a crisis, simultaneously serves as a powerful stimulus for transformation and transcendence.

As we raise our consciousness and activate our lightbody, we realize that we are our own creators made, or making ourselves, in the image and similitude of the one Creator. Indeed, since in a hologram the part contains the whole, we are the one Creator. By learning this truly transformative lesson, we return to unity consciousness while mastering physicality. In other words, we achieve god-realization as the light of soul descends into a divine or soul body healed of duality and freed from the instructional cycle of karma.

Copyright 2005 Sol Luckman. All Rights Reserved.

Sol Luckman is managing editor of DNA Monthly and co-founder of the Phoenix Center for Regenetics--, offering cutting-edge educational services and materials designed to activate unity consciousness and actualize human potential. The developers of Regenetics-- are educators and ordained ministers, not medical doctors, and do not pretend to diagnose or treat illness. The preceding article is excerpted from a forthcoming book entitled Conscious Healing with the Regenetics-- Method. For information visit or call (828)216-3982.