Monday, December 22, 2008

winter solstice 2009

greetings on this 22nd day of december!! yesterday i spent the day pondering my past year and looking forward to making changes in 2009. one of the ways i celebrated the change of season was by out-of-body traveling to newgrange :) it was quite spectacular!! there is nothing quite like being part of such an ancient rite...

SOLSTICE WEBCAST: Today is the northern winter solstice. When the solstice sun came up this morning over Ireland, a shaft of sunlight traveled down an 18 meter tunnel to illuminate the inner chamber of Newgrange, a massive prehistoric burial mound in County Meath. It looked like this:

Newgrange is 5000 years old, predating the better-known Stonehenge in the neighboring island of Great Britain by more than a thousand years. This makes it one of the oldest megalithic monuments in the world with a known astronomical function. Curators of Newgrange webcast this morning's event; you can watch it here.

There is a similar burial mound from the same era in Orkney: Like Newgrange, Maeshowe is also aligned with the solstice sun. As the midwinter sun slips below the horizon, its last rays shine directly through Maeshowe's entrance passage to illuminate the rear wall of the central chamber. Live images from Maeshowe may be found here.

this morning, i visited and found this amazing photo/video!! it was of particular interest since during my morning meditation/grounding ceremony, i was visited by Owl, who stops in once in awhile to encourage me when i am traversing a dark night of the soul (which i seem to be doing now)... anyway, i thought this was cool and thought i would share it with you :)

MIDNIGHT VISITATION: In a remote area of New Mexico, amateur astronomer Thomas Ashcraft operates an all-sky camera for nightly monitoring of meteors and fireballs. "The other night I caught a big one," he says. Click on the image to play the movie:

"An owl descended from the sky and landed on the clear dome of my fireball camera," explains Ashcraft. "It stayed for a few minutes and then flew away." This visitor was probably a Western Screech-Owl or a Great Horned Owl, two varieties common to New Mexico. Ornithologists may be able to pinpoint the species; the owl glances down during the video for a revealing self-portrait.

Take a deep breath and let the spirit of the owl fill you.

The owl brings you wisdom as well as great powers of perception and intuition. Welcome her into your heart and life gladly!

The owl has very keen hearing and vision, enabling her to perceive what others cannot. With her powers within you, you will be able to penetrate the darkness with your intuitive senses. You will see through deception and illusion. You will uncover all mysteries and bring truth to light. Fill yourself with her power whenever the truth is unclear or hidden; she will shine the light so you may see.

The owl also allows you to move silently and unseen. When you do not want undue attention paid to you, when you wish to just quietly keep your own counsel, call in her spirit as you would an invisibility cloak.

One of the greatest powers the owl brings you is to penetrate your own secrets, to see into the beauty of your own soul and uncover there your personal truth and intentions. Feel her within you now, opening yourself to yourself, your true purpose sparkling like a treasure within.

Ah, what a blessing to be the owl!

enjoy this 22nd day of 12/2008 (an 8 kind of day :)

love & blessings,
~*kimrey*~ @ .0

Monday, December 1, 2008

a terrence mckenna video.... enjoy

whew!! this came at a good time for me :)
i've been playing at being persephone for days now... lots to say but too afraid, or unable, to say a word. sometimes i forget to ground and center and remember just who i am. who we all really are...

the most important thing for us to do right now is to remember who we are ;)