Thursday, February 19, 2009

through the eyes of the dragon

i have two passions, Spirit and Earth. both require my attention, balance must be maintained.
for this reason, i have decided to add a second blog to my 'repertoire', a blog where i can post my frustrations, findings and feelings about these INSANE times we live in. Change is what it is all about; FREEDOM is what is at stake...

i didn't want to post political rantings here because i think that the solutions shouldn't be all jumbled in with the problems or they might get lost in the resultant chaos...

i hope that you join me, tell your friends ;) and together we can change the direction 'they' would take us in.

it's a reb-olushun. (that word has no spelling links ;) if you know what i mean.... damned i am para noid.

i am dancing with Dragon & Phoenix

join me at Hexagon 49

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

space ships and merkaba vehicles...

aargh... i hate it when i can't remember (and lost the post-it) where i borrowed certain pictures from!!
if you see your picture here (i am talking about the 'flower of death' cubes) please let me know who you are and i will give you proper credit... i am thinking it was the celtic rebel ... if i am wrong, please forgive me.

i had intended to actually put together a well thought out piece on this subject, instead i give up waiting for inspiration and have decided to just throw this out there in its embryonic form.

i keep hearing/seeing people promoting the merkaba vehicle as two pyramids in which we are to place ourselves in order to 'ascend' or to travel 'elsewhere' (space/time/dimension)

something seems fishy to me... lies mixed in with truths. it is my personal belief that this form of the merkaba vehicle is nothing more than a trap being perpetrated on the unsuspecting...
the metatronic cube is really nothing more than a miasm, promoted in the name of the 'archangel' metatron
behold his cube:
and the cube within the flower of life/DEATH:

i believe that the true merkaba would be spherical in shape:

with that said, i would also like to add my thought about 'spaceships'... really, would beings from higher dimensions honestly need to use ships??? i don't think so. and i don't believe that when/if we see a 'saviour' or 'aliens' landing (during the 2012 Olympics as stated by Rik Clay *rip*)? they will be anything more than a vast mind control hallucination...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

i have created a new 'art form'

i call it Ultra-MaiKu (i may change that to MaiKu-Ultra in some future moment)
i realize that haiku is written in a 5-7-5 but there are no rules in mk-ultra world... except 'not to remember'
i googled Ultra-MaiKu to see if i had any competition in this field as yet and the only link that mentions it links to depeche mode - playing the angel. (what language is this??? estonian!!)
check it out for yourself, if you are so inclined :)

anyway, here's my first Ultra-MaiKu:

my beautiful body/mind
tenuously held
as one, by thousands of monarchs