Wednesday, March 11, 2009

on ultimate personal power and freedom.

i watched a video today about "Oneness" - something about becoming One with all there is. i have held this belief for as long as i can recall, that we are all One and that Unity is the answer to our problems here on earth. but, yesterday i felt a different sensation. seeking to become One with The Universe, or with anyone else, seems dis-empowering to me now. the idea that we become One - that the Group is what i must aspire to become part of (on any level, 3D or Spirit) seems to go against my individual nature - human or Spirit - I AM ME!

i am not that person over there. sure, we are connected ultimately, or is that residue from an old belief system?? this is all new to me, an embryonic idea at this stage of my acceptance and understanding that perhaps this philosophy of unity and oneness, which is being presented through various channels and venues, is not in our best interest in the long run, in the big picture. the video, which i will post at the bottom of the page, is beautiful, lovely music, a great sentiment. absolutely - unity and love is a great sentiment. but i began to hear something underneath the pretty words and pictures. something slightly dark and entrapping... it's so subtle that most people won't see it. i do see it and i just had to say something.

is the idea that we have to become one with the group, and eventually lose our selves in an ultimate god really what we are here for??? that seems like socialism on a galactic/universal scale.

can i become One with you, in Unity and Love and still maintain my individuality?
or is this 'power stealing' at a Higher Level?

does this make me a bad cohabitant in this creation? i am willing to co-create, co-exist and cooperate, but only within a system that i CHOOSE to, not one that i feel coerced into by religion, new age light and love oneness thoughts, not by anyone or anything... and maybe, just maybe, i choose to not remain within any system at all!! how about that!?!?!

what if i dont' want to be a part of HARMONY and/or ONENESS as it is expressed in a socialist or communist society? or any system at all, for that matter.

i have changed my mind. i have decided NOT to be boxed into any system that creates limits for its inhabitants.

is Creation a Box?? is it held within ANYTHING?

neither am i. are you? is that what you choose to be?
you are certainly free to do so!! or not :)

this is the opportunity (i believe with all my heart) that awaits us in 2011 (according to calleman) or in 2012. or, in reality, the opportunity that awaits us in any moment of our choosing!

choose a system?? i think NOT!!

so, this leaves a question: what about life on earth?? i am seeking the answer to that question. we do need to create a new way of living here, together, but it will have to be something that has never been done before. what the creators of the constitution of the USA and the bill of rights had in mind, only this time, let's make sure it truly happens in a big and gloriously creative way... well. this blog wasn't written to answer that question, just to pose another ... do we need to give up self-sovereignty in order to create unity???

some are free to leave now. some choose to wait for 2012 - but allow it to be your own choice. and where you find yourself after this long awaited galactic event?? imagine well, imagine long, and imagine hard exactly where it is YOU would like to find yourself. because that is where you will.

happy imagining!!!


Anonymous said...

This is an interesting paradigm no doubt. I personally think that consciousness is being raised on a global level, to which maybe love for one another would/will flow more freely, but I don't think any of us lose our individuality, nor ever will. This plays into the Karma system (the one thing I do fully subscribe to) in that it's why we all are where we are at the present moment. It was our individual actions which brought us to where we are right now. We may have been steered along the way by different circumstances, but even those circumstances were brought about by other actions which we somehow played a part in...I think the whole 'new-agey', 'complete oneness' scenario is true to the fact that we all need to respect each other to an utmost degree, but then we need to be wary when it's being put forth by large groups or organizations where we're not really sure who's involved. The fact that most people are good people, still doesn't mean that we give up all our rights 'for the betterment of all' which really means 'to the greedy few'....
Just my thoughts...

Spradling St. John said...

Totally agnostic about the paradox. Paradox is my resolution. So you are part and apart? No worries. This plane or that plane it doesn't really matter. There are snakes on every plane of existance. If we are as powerful and enlightened as we sometimes imagine ourselves to be, then who could fool us? Sometimes I lose my car keys. I search the entire house for them. Guess what? I find them in the exact place where I left them. In this place we fool ourselves most of the time.

Michael Skaggs said...

Loved the rant! And the time of 11:11 a.m. all the more empowering!