Wednesday, January 14, 2009

pretending we create our reality...

i have decided to play make-believe. play along if you so desire...

i am a superhero.

a supercreatress!! everything i say, do, think, dream, comes to pass in our world.
this creates a situation where i have to become aware of my environment, what am i absorbing from it??

is what i am reading uplifting me?? is my focus on what i would like to see?
am i doing things that will bring me joy?

lately i feel that i have been absorbing way too much of what is wrong in our world.... i don't need to keep reading about what to be afraid of!! i must, as the ultimate creatress superwoman of planet earth, i must be vigilant in what i create!! it's entirely up to me, the fate of all humanity and the entire planet!!

this is a great responsibility, one that should take its place as the pinnacle of my existence.

what does this mean? what should i do? what actions should i take??

remaining at my Point of Original Creation is all i CAN do... it is all.

and, i can remember that LOVE is the force that holds all Creation together...



robbadams said...

Your Universe is perfect! How do I know? You know me-I peeked. What a WOW!

Anonymous said...

profound wisdom.. at 11:11 no less :)